Air Woodlands A/C & Heating
The Original
A/C & Heating Company
The Woodlands

Does Your Air Conditioner Use R-22 Refrigerant?
Does Your Air Conditioner Use R-22 Refrigerant?
Most air conditioners use one of two types of refrigerant: R-22 or R-410A. A lot of homeowners have never paid attention to what their A/C unit takes, because why does it matter? It’s time to know, because it matters now.
Why does my Refrigerant suddenly matter?
R-22 Freon will no longer be produced in any capacity in 2020 due to it’s sever environmental consequences.
If your Air Conditioner uses R-22 and at the refrigerant leaks, it will be very expensive to recharge the system, and in the future, it will become either cost-prohibitive or downright impossible.
How can you tell if your system uses R-22?
To know which type of refrigerant your A/C uses, take a look at the label on the compressor unit outside. It will clearly tell your which type of refrigerant the unit uses. If your label shows R-410A, your doing good, that is the newer refrigerant.

What do you do if your Air Conditioner take R-22?
If you have an Air Conditioner that uses R-22, you have a couple of options,
Give Air Woodlands A/C & Heating a call
(281) 367-8135
We can do a tune-up on your system and make sure your system doesn’t have any small leaks. If there are leaks we can fix them, this will help reduce future cost and will help to prolong the life of your system.
The other option is Installing a new system, this is usually a homeowner’s best option in the long run, because you are already facing greater costs to maintain your R-22 based system, but also a system that is getting on in it’s years could be costing you in other ways.
Whether it’s time to tune-up or replace your system, give Air Woodlands A/C & Heating a call (281) 367-8135.
We are happy to come out take a look for you, let you know what’s going on and go over all of your personal options and explain how they work and affect you.

Is Your A/C Ready to Keep Up With The Texas Heat?
Is Your A/C Ready to Keep Up With The Texas Heat?
​Check out Signs Your A/C Unit May Need Service
And remember
Annual A/C Check Ups are a very cost-effective way to ensure that your A/C Unit is working at Peat Efficiency, which will extend the the life of your unit, and help control you monthly utility costs.

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Do You Know How To Tell If Your Heater Is Running Correctly?
Check out 6 Signs That You Should Get Your Heater Checked Out
Remember it's best to fix a problem now before you shut your furnace off for the season, rather than let it sit and have the problems build and have a more costly, possibly more dangerous problem on your hands when you need to suddenly turn it back on.